Site icon Borges Agricultural & Industrial Nuts

Borges Agricultural & Industrial Nuts wins the pulse against the pandemic

  • BAIN overcomes the pandemic despite the enormous difficulties of the environment and closes the first half with € 3.4 million of Net Profit
  • The agricultural division of BAIN reaches 2,700t of almonds, pistachios and walnuts produced with a clear commitment to KM0 and responsible agriculture

 Navigating the pandemic

Borges Agricultural & Industrial Nuts (BAIN) faces COVID with a Consolidated Result of € 3.4 million at the end of the first half of the fiscal year ended November 30, 2021.  Adjusted EBITDA shows a clear recovery in both the agricultural business, which is beginning to reap the fruits of the more than 1,000 hectares planted with almond trees since 2015, as well as shows an improvement in margins of the industrial and commercial business reaching a total of € 6.5 million.

The  cumulative turnover reaches 71.5 million euros with the commercialization of 18,512 tons, with almonds being the best-selling product, reaching 67% in value of total sales, followed by walnuts, with 9%.

BAIN with a clear focus on internalization has marketed its products in 48 countries where exports have accounted for 53.8% of its turnover, € 38.5 million, with Germany, France and the United Kingdom being the main export countries with 27.4% of turnover.


BAIN is firmly committed to the KM0 agricultural business under Sustainability criteria

BAIN with a clear focus on local agricultural development manages a total of 2,307 hectares, located in Portugal and Spain, of almond, pistachio and walnut trees.  These hectares include 295.9 hectares of the BAIN Pistachio Project, which have increased by 67% compared to the first half of the previous year, as a result of vertical cooperation with producers in the provinces of Huesca, Lleida and Tarragona, offering them  an alternative for improving agricultural income. It is expected that this year the project will reach 500 hectares and add more than 50 producers adhered.

Bain plantations located in the Iberian Peninsula aim to market KM 0 product grown under responsible agriculture criteria.  For this reason, BAIN carries out actions such as joining the EsAgua platform, which allows the calculation of the water footprint or the certification of all farms that are in production with the GLOBAL GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) seal, one of the international standards in terms of good agricultural practices and sustainable agriculture.  Currently there are 953 certified hectares.   It also has a plan to reconvert the oldest walnut and pistachio plantations, turning them into more responsible plantations with more efficient use of resources.

Additionally, the Company dedicates a total of 104.1 hectares to the conservation of the environment and biodiversity.

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