

Borges Agricultural & Industrial Nuts offers its customers the highest quality assurance in all of its products and services. We guarentee to meet the needs of our customer through our extensive knowledge on the raw materials we manage. Our industrial facilities are in strategic areas to allow the processing of raw materials at their optimum point.

The quality of our products exceeds the strictest requirements during the entire production and distribution process. We form close relationships with our customers by understanding their needs and adapting to their local standards and specifications.

Productive process

Dry nuts have to undergo a complex production process, in which technological components play a key role in obtaining high-quality products and optimising turnarounds and minimising costs. In addition, the company’s stringent quality controls ensure the most in quality and safety in all phases of the production process.

Processing plants

Our centers are located in key production sites that, due to their proximity to the origins of production, allow for processing (peeling, selecting, drying, calibrating and packaging) the nuts quickly, which allows us to guarantee the maximum quality and preservation of the fruit.

Productive centers Location Production capacity
Reus Borges I – Processing and packing plant Reus (Tarragona) 25.000 tons / year
Reus Borges II – Processing and packing plant Reus (Tarragona) 30.000 tons / año
Altura – Planta descascarado Altura (Castellón) 15.000 unshelled tons / year