Our products are trade on the B2B channel, focusing mainly:
Commercial B2B
Processing for industrial use
We produce the best products intended for industries or sectors that use them in their processes.
Packaging for third parties
We are one of the largest third-party brand packaging company in Spain and we produce and pack for some of the most prestigious brands.
Discover what can we offer:
We offer a range of different formats from 15 g up to 3 kg in variety of packages and finishes, including pillow bags, flat-bottom pouches, Doypacks, Stabilo bags, glass jars and tins. Contact us for a tailor-made solution.
Retail solutions for third parties
We offer a wide range of formats aimed at retail markets.

Solutions for industrial processes
The best semi-industrialized bulk products for those industries or sectors that use our products as ingredients in their processes.
Contact us for a customized solution.
c/ Flix, 29
43205 Reus (Tarragona)
Tel: +34 977 30 90 00 – 977 30 99 00
Fax: +34 977 77 20 52