El Carquí Estate

El Carquí is a 297.8 ha estate in the municipality of Valle del Zalabí, in the province of Granada.

This walnut, pistachio and almond plantation is equipped with an independent drip irrigation system for each crop. It has authorisation from the Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir to draw groundwater for irrigation. Its 1.8 ha of ponds provide enough irrigation capacity to guarantee future development of the estate. El Carquí has 77.6 ha given over to afforestation. In addition, Borges Agricultural & Industrial Nuts has a 79.6 land bank for future use.

El Carquí Estate ha. (%)
Walnut 92,7 31,1
Pistachio 30,3 10,2
Almond 7,0 2,3
Land bank(1)
Afforestation 77,6
Other(2) 90,3 30,3
Total ha. 297,8 100

(1) Land for future plantations and/or other crops and nursery.
(2) Paths, slopes and other facilities.

July 2015

August 2018

August 2018

August 2018

July 2015

July 2015

August 2018

August 2018

August 2018

July 2015

July 2015